
TYCA-SW Affiliations

The national TYCA builds on the grassroots structure of the seven regional two-year college English associations that have operated since the 1960s, supported by the Conference of College Composition and Communication (CCCC) of the NCTE.

This official, constitutionally recognized role ensures that two-year college interests are taken into consideration when NCTE policy is set. By working through NCTE via TYCA, two-year college English teachers will be in a position to influence educational policy and promote the work of two-year English teachers on a national scale. Get more information about TYCA-SW.

Benefits of Membership

  • Professional development with the Annual Conference in October and webinars hosted during the year
  • Professional writing credit opportunities with the newsletter
  • Connections with others teaching at the two-year college
  • Connections with conversations happening with National TYCA, CCCC, and NCTE

Become a Member

It’s easy to become a member of the only professional organization of two-year college English teachers in your region. During conference season, membership can be renewed using the conference EventBrite page (see the annual conference post).

Outside of conference season, members and potential members can work with Membership Chair Justin Bendell ( For additional information, contact